Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Miniature Tutorial

If you are into fruit and vegies miniatures, there are some tutorials on the web for you to start your own miniature project. Angie Scarr is one of the artisan who provide a tutorial in her website.There are Orange Tutorial ,Leek tutorial and Sweetcorn tutorial.
Her first book is Making Miniature Food and Market Stalls. This book is just fabulous. It makes making miniatures so much fun for me. I'm dreaming to have her DVD tutorials too.

(Lia... sorry ini draft sudah aku tulis jauh-jauh hari, cuman belom ke-post setelah vacuum kemaren)


Lia said...

wahhhhhh makasih byk ya Rita bermanfaat nih linknya, aku udah meluncur ke amazon dan masukin ke cart, tinggal nunggu belanjaan lain sekalian beli :D thanks sekali lagi, hugssssss

Moga moga disini ada yg jual clay nya soale aku belom nyari :D

Rita Sella said...

coba cari clay-nya dulu Lia, mungkin jg amazon ada, biar sekalian heheh...
Wellcome to the club ya hahaha.... pencinta barang cimut-cimut ^_^